International Journal Of Humanities, Social Sciences And Business (INJOSS) <p><strong>INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BUSINESS (INJOSS) | ISSN (e): <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2962-6781 </a></strong>is a scientific journal that publishes articles in the fields of humanity, social science, and business.</p> <p><strong>Humanities</strong> include: Language and Linguistics, History, Literature, Performing Arts, Philosophy, Religion, Fine Arts.</p> <p><strong>Social Science</strong> fields of Science include: Economics, politics, Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Geography, Cultural and Ethical Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Area Studies, Archeology, and other related fields.</p> <p><strong>Business</strong> field includes conceptual ideas in the fields of Economics, Accounting, Management, and business</p> ADISAM Publisher en-US International Journal Of Humanities, Social Sciences And Business (INJOSS) 2962-6781 INNOVATIONS IN ISLAMIC FINANCE IN SOUTHEAST ASIA: AN IN-DEPTH REVIEW OF RECENT LITERATURE <p>This comprehensive literature review delves into Islamic finance in Southeast Asia, offering a meticulous examination of recent innovations within the industry. Southeast Asia, renowned for its vibrant Islamic finance sector, has witnessed groundbreaking developments that transcend conventional financial paradigms. The abstract embarks on a succinct journey through the review's key facets, encapsulating the essence of the extensive exploration. Against the backdrop of an ever-evolving financial landscape, this review navigates through the recent innovations that have reshaped the contours of Islamic finance. It delves into the burgeoning realm of Shariah-compliant fintech platforms, sustainable and green Sukuk, and innovative microfinance models that empower the underserved. Case studies of successful innovations from Indonesia and Malaysia exemplify the transformative potential of Islamic finance in driving financial inclusion, economic growth, and sustainability. Furthermore, the abstract offers a glimpse into the profound impact of digitalization and fintech on Islamic finance, revolutionizing accessibility, transparency, and efficiency. As Southeast Asia endeavors to become a global hub for Islamic finance, these technological advancements are pivotal in fostering financial inclusion and expanding the industry's reach. This literature review illuminates the dynamic landscape of Islamic finance in Southeast Asia, where innovation converges with ethical principles to shape a promising future. The region's commitment to ethical finance, sustainability, and socioeconomic development makes it a beacon in the ever-evolving world of Islamic finance.</p> Muhammad Syafri Ahmad Rizani Abdul Wahab Syakhrani Eka Sutisna Al- Amin Copyright (c) 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BUSINESS (INJOSS) 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 3 1 1 21 REVOLUTIONIZING SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING THROUGH AI AND AUTOMATION: AN IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF STRATEGIES, ETHICS, AND FUTURE TRENDS <p>This comprehensive analysis delved into the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation in social media marketing. We explored many strategies and insights that have redefined how businesses engage with their audiences in the digital age. Our investigation began by acknowledging the profound impact of AI and automation technologies on the marketing landscape, particularly within the dynamic domain of social media. These innovations ushered in a new era of data-driven decision-making, hyper-personalization, and efficiency, enabling marketers to create more targeted and impactful campaigns. A key finding of our analysis was the pivotal role of AI in audience segmentation and targeting. Through real-time data analysis, marketers could identify and engage their ideal audience segments with exceptional precision, optimizing resource allocation and campaign effectiveness. We also highlighted the emergence of AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants, revolutionizing customer service and engagement on social media platforms. These 24/7 available, personalized interaction tools significantly enhanced the overall customer experience. However, amidst the transformative potential of AI and automation, we emphasized the ethical responsibilities accompanying these advancements. We stressed the need for transparency, data privacy, and fairness in AI-driven marketing practices. Upholding these principles ensures trust, a cornerstone of long-term success. In conclusion, our analysis illuminated the remarkable potential of AI and automation in revolutionizing social media marketing. As we move forward into this era of technological transformation, we must do so with a steadfast commitment to innovation and ethical integrity, shaping a marketing landscape that benefits businesses and consumers alike.</p> Doby Indrawan Yorman Yorman Muhamad Stiadi Nenden Hendayani Al- Amin Copyright (c) 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BUSINESS (INJOSS) 2023-09-30 2023-09-30 3 1 22 45 STRATEGIC TRANSFORMATIONS: ASSESSING THE INTERPLAY OF DIGITAL COMMERCE, TRADITIONAL TRADE, AND EMERGING MARKET TRENDS IN THE GLOBAL BUSINESS LANDSCAPE <p>In this comprehensive study titled "Strategic Transformations: Assessing the Interplay of Digital Commerce, Traditional Trade, and Emerging Market Trends in the Global Business Landscape," we embarked on a multifaceted exploration of the dynamic forces reshaping the global business environment. We delved into the complex interplay between digital commerce, traditional trade practices, and emerging market trends using empirical data and a rigorous analytical approach. Our research revealed a profound shift in how businesses operate and consumers engage with the marketplace. We found that once considered optional, digital commerce has evolved into an imperative for businesses seeking to remain competitive in the 21st century. This transformation extends beyond adopting online platforms; it encompasses the digitalization of supply chains, data-driven decision-making, and integrating emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain. Furthermore, our findings highlighted the intricate coexistence and convergence of digital and traditional trade practices. Businesses increasingly adopt hybrid models and omnichannel strategies to cater to diverse consumer preferences. This strategic adaptation allows them to leverage the strengths of both digital and traditional methods while remaining agile in response to emerging market trends. Sustainability emerged as a paramount concern, shaping consumer choices and driving businesses to embrace eco-conscious practices. The study underscores the need for businesses to view sustainability not as a mere trend but as a fundamental driver of their strategic decisions. Our research provides valuable insights for businesses, policymakers, and stakeholders navigating this transformative landscape. It contributes to the ongoing discourse on the future of commerce, offering practical implications and a roadmap for strategic decision-making in a world where the digital and traditional realms of business intersect and evolve.</p> Alfiana Alfiana Listiana Sri Mulatsih Al- Amin Muhamad Stiadi Dede Gustian Copyright (c) 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BUSINESS (INJOSS) 2023-10-02 2023-10-02 3 1 46 66 RELIGIOUS OPENNESS AND HUMANE VALUES: A CALL FOR UNITY IN A MULTIFACETED WORLD <p>Religious openness emerges as a beacon of hope and a vital call for unity in a world characterized by unprecedented diversity and interconnectedness. This abstract explores the profound importance of religious openness in fostering humane values and harmonious coexistence within multifaceted societies. Religious openness encapsulates embracing and respecting diverse religious beliefs, practices, and identities while upholding the principles of religious freedom and tolerance. It is a cornerstone of social cohesion and peace, particularly in regions like Indonesia, where religious diversity is a defining characteristic. This paper delves into the historical context of religious pluralism in Indonesia, highlighting the nation's rich tapestry of beliefs and practices while acknowledging the challenges of religious extremism. It underscores the pivotal role of education, youth engagement, and media literacy in shaping attitudes and fostering religious openness. Moreover, the abstract emphasizes the implications for policy and practice, advocating for educational reforms, interfaith dialogue, and international collaboration. It also underscores the need for further research to assess these initiatives' long-term impact and draw valuable lessons from comparative analyses with other nations facing similar challenges. In conclusion, this abstract underscores that religious openness is not a mere aspiration but a moral imperative in a multifaceted world. It calls upon individuals, communities, and nations to embrace religious diversity, promote humane values, and work towards unity, recognizing that a more inclusive and harmonious future is within reach through religious openness.</p> Husna Amin Jemmy Jemmy Indarta Priyana Asep Khomeiny Farhan Samud Samud Copyright (c) 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BUSINESS (INJOSS) 2023-10-03 2023-10-03 3 1 67 78 CULTIVATING SUSTAINABLE EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT AND WELL-BEING INITIATIVES IN INDONESIAN ORGANIZATIONS: A MULTIFACETED EXAMINATION OF STRATEGIES, CHALLENGES, AND IMPACT ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE <p>We provide an overview of the research on cultivating sustainable employee engagement and well-being initiatives in Indonesian organizations. The study aimed to comprehensively examine the strategies employed, the challenges faced, and the impact of these initiatives on organizational performance in the Indonesian context. The research was rooted in a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods to understand the subject matter better. Data was collected from surveys, interviews, and organizational records. Stratified random sampling was employed for surveys, while purposive sampling was used for interviews, ensuring a diverse and representative dataset. Our analysis incorporated descriptive statistics and inferential statistical methods, such as regression analysis, for quantitative data. Qualitative data underwent thematic analysis, allowing for the identification of patterns and themes. Integrating both data types enabled triangulation and a more profound insight into the research questions. Ethical considerations were paramount throughout the research, with data treated confidentially and participant identities protected. Informed consent was obtained from all participants, and potential biases or conflicts of interest were transparently addressed. While the mixed-methods approach enriched our understanding, it did pose resource and time constraints. While valuable within the Indonesian context, the findings may not be universally applicable. Additionally, challenges related to data collection, such as participant availability and the completeness of organizational records, were acknowledged. This research contributes to the existing body of knowledge by offering insights into the strategies and impact of sustainable employee engagement and well-being initiatives in Indonesian organizations while shedding light on the challenges faced in implementing such programs.</p> Kosasih Kosasih Yuarini Wahyu Pertiwi Cut Ita Erliana Defi Irwansyah Dahlan Abdullah Copyright (c) 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BUSINESS (INJOSS) 2023-10-08 2023-10-08 3 1 79 94 CREDIT RISK IN ISLAMIC BANKING: AN IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT AND RISK-SHARING MECHANISMS IN INDONESIAN ISLAMIC FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS <p>This research extensively examines credit risk management within the unique realm of Islamic banking institutions operating in Indonesia. Islamic finance, guided by principles of ethical finance and profit-and-loss sharing (PLS) contracts, introduces distinctive complexities into the credit risk domain. The primary objective is to scrutinize the intricacies of credit risk management in Islamic banking, particularly in the Indonesian context, a significant hub for Islamic finance. The study dissects several complex dimensions: It delves into the profound intricacies of risk-sharing mechanisms inherent in Islamic finance. The research explores how profit-and-loss sharing contracts, like Mudarabah and Musharakah, reshape credit risk dynamics and the distribution of risk between financial institutions and clients. Additionally, the research investigates the unique collateralization methods in Islamic banking, compliant with Sharia principles, and their impact on credit risk and recovery processes following default. A detailed analysis of diverse contractual structures used in Islamic finance, including Ijarah and Murabahah, assesses their influence on credit risk profiles and risk mitigation strategies. Moreover, the study examines the regulatory framework governing Islamic finance in Indonesia, considering how regulators harmonize Islamic financial principles with the imperative of maintaining financial stability. The complexities of default management and recovery procedures in Islamic finance are also explored, encompassing debt restructuring, arbitration, and Sharia-compliant debt recovery mechanisms. This research combines quantitative analysis and qualitative investigation to understand Indonesian Islamic banking comprehensively. The findings offer valuable insights into the intricate landscape of credit risk within Islamic finance, with broader implications for the global industry.</p> Alfiana Alfiana Sulistyo Budi Utomo Muhammad Syafri Al- Amin Azmi Syarif Copyright (c) 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BUSINESS (INJOSS) 2023-10-12 2023-10-12 3 1 95 109 ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL GENERAL INTELLIGENCE (AGI) IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBAL BUSINESS GOVERNANCE <p>This research delved into the ethical ramifications of integrating Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) into Human Resource Development (HRD) within the framework of global business governance. The study addressed the increasing adoption of AGI technologies in HRD practices across diverse international organizations. It explored the potential benefits of AGI in streamlining HRD processes, enhancing efficiency, and providing data-driven insights. However, the research also highlighted the ethical dilemmas accompanying this technological transformation. Issues such as algorithmic bias, invasion of employee privacy, and the responsibility of organizations to ensure fairness and inclusivity emerged as central concerns. The study highlighted the critical importance of addressing these ethical challenges to maintain the integrity of HRD practices. In the context of global business governance, the research emphasized the need for organizations to navigate a complex web of regulations, industry standards, and cultural nuances. Compliance with global governance mechanisms was recognized as essential to align AGI-driven HRD with ethical principles on an international scale. The findings underscored the significance of responsible AGI deployment and collaboration with global governance frameworks to uphold human rights and data privacy. The study concluded by calling for a proactive approach to AGI ethics, ensuring that the transformative potential of AGI in HRD is harnessed while safeguarding the well-being and rights of employees worldwide.</p> Lince Bulutoding Nur Rahmah Sari Rasty Yulia Vinno P. Manoppo Al- Amin Copyright (c) 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BUSINESS (INJOSS) 2023-10-17 2023-10-17 3 1 110 119 ETHICAL DILEMMAS IN NEUROMARKETING: NAVIGATING PERSUASION, CONSUMER AUTONOMY, AND EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES <p>Neuromarketing is a rapidly growing field that uses neuroscience to understand consumer behavior and improve marketing effectiveness. This article explores the complex ethical implications of neuromarketing practices, especially regarding persuasive influence on consumer autonomy and the use of emerging technologies. First, we investigate advances in neurotechnology, such as fMRI, EEG, and brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), that enable a deeper understanding of consumer preferences. The challenge is enforcing this technology's ethical use and protecting individual privacy. Second, we discuss "neuro hacking," exploiting neurological vulnerabilities to influence consumer decisions. This raises ethical questions about mental safety and individual autonomy. Third, algorithms and artificial intelligence in Neuromarketing create highly personalized marketing experiences. This raises questions about how to protect privacy, obtain consent, and maintain individual agency. Fourth, we explore cultural issues in Neuromarketing, exploring how cultural values must be respected in marketing practices. Fifth, we discuss security and data protection issues in using neuromarketing technology. Sixth, we investigate the role of government and regulatory agencies in regulating neuromarketing practices and protecting consumer rights. Finally, we highlight the importance of education about neuroethics in educating marketers, researchers, and consumers about the ethical aspects of Neuromarketing. This article encourages critical reflection on the ethical dilemmas businesses, researchers, and policymakers face in the rapidly evolving world of Neuromarketing.</p> Muhamad Stiadi Luana Sasabone Deisye Supit Cut Ita Erliana Dahlan Abdullah Copyright (c) 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BUSINESS (INJOSS) 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 3 1 120 137 THEOREM OF THEODOR ADORNO ON HEGEMONY, MUSIC CRITICISM, AND FOLK MUSICAL STUDIES <p><em>This research aims to demonstrate that there is music thinking as a resistance or non-violent resistance that is based on the balance of life through musical works. In order to realize the research objectives, Theodor Adorno's thoughts have become essential to explore, analyze and make Adorno's thoughts as the basis for criticism of music which prioritizes music as merely personal satisfaction but excludes certain subjects or groups. This study is qualitative research with library sources through journals as part of the secondary sources. In addition to secondary sources, books written by Theodor Adorno became the main material as the basis for analysis of music secularization and resistance. Results have shown that Theodor Adorno's thoughts on the basis of music hegemony in the public sphere become weapons of the self and outside the self as tools of resistance to find glimmers of hope through reflection through and in music universally.</em></p> Kesia Rosalina Putri Sapta Lelunu Nia Olivia Daniel Daniel Octa Maria Sihombing Copyright (c) 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BUSINESS (INJOSS) 2023-10-19 2023-10-19 3 1 138 153 COEXISTENCE OF KAHARINGAN, FAITHS AND CULTURES: REVISITING IMAGINATIVE IMMANUEL KANT <p>The purpose of this writing is to describe how far the development of Christianity in Tribal Religious civilization, especially in the Dayak Tribe (Kaharingan) or known as the Helu religion. The authors analyzes and describes according to the perspective of Immanuel Kant. Immanuel argues that both Christianity and tribal religions must be able to understand and place a religion logically and morally. The research method used is the phenomenological quantitative research method, and analyzing journals. Kant's rational criticism has the potential to improve the understanding of one's religious logic and morals because basically Kant wants to provide an understanding to religious adherents so that they can understand the teachings of a religion using morals and logic so that they have an impact on the surrounding environment and bring good changes to everyone.</p> Nia Desiska Oktalia Oktalia Linda Lestari Kueain Tri Sugianto Melin Melin Nova Lady Simanjuntak Aprianto Wirawan Copyright (c) 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BUSINESS (INJOSS) 2023-10-23 2023-10-23 3 1 154 177 THE STRATEGIES FOR LOCAL WISDOM-BASED PREACHING IN GUNUNG SITOLI, NIAS <p style="text-align: justify; margin: 0cm 0cm .0001pt 1.0cm;"><span lang="EN-ID" style="font-family: 'Cambria','serif';">The Nias community is generally known for being predominantly Christian, a religion they have embraced for a very long time. However, not many are aware that Islam has been present on the island of Nias for a longer time, introduced by immigrants from Aceh and Minang, although not fully accepted by the Nias community. Local wisdom encompasses the unique knowledge, values, norms, and traditions of the local population. In this research, two primary strategies for comprehensive preaching delivery are the use of the local language and empowering Nias youth and local leaders. The use of the local language is deemed effective because the majority of the local population primarily uses it in their daily activities, including sermons, Friday khutbah, and various other religious events. Furthermore, translating major religious texts such as the Quran and Hadith into the local language facilitates better understanding of the preaching. The use of the local language is also conveyed in written form in the Nias language. The research methodology employed is qualitative, involving data collection through observation, interviews, participation, surveys, document analysis, and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions, with source triangulation used in this research. The research results indicate that the strategy for global preaching through Nias local wisdom involves in-depth research on Nias culture, participation in Nias community activities and local traditions, as well as providing training and support to local figures to become preaching leaders.</span></p> Yusnita Hasibuan Copyright (c) 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BUSINESS (INJOSS) 2023-10-29 2023-10-29 3 1 178 188 ANALYSIS OF PPPK SALARY AND INCOME SCHEME IN THE 2023 ASN BILL <p>The ASN Bill which was just passed by the DPR last month presents the concept of a new salary scheme for PPPK. Initially PPK and PNS had slightly different salary schemes, especially regarding pension guarantees which PPPK did not have. The presence of the newly passed ASN Law does not recognize the difference between PPK and PNS salaries. Therefore, this research aims to describe the differences in salary schemes that exist in the old and new ASN Laws. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The data used in this research is secondary data using a library approach collected using data collection methods, data selection, data reduction and drawing conclusions.</p> Ramadha Yanti Parinduri Umar Sako Baderan Abdullah Mitrin Rieneke Ryke Kalalo Shohib Muslim Copyright (c) 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BUSINESS (INJOSS) 2023-11-03 2023-11-03 3 1 189 195 EXPLORING THE JURIDICAL FRAMEWORK FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABLE PROGRESS IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA <p>This paper delves into the intricate juridical framework governing environmental conservation within the dynamic context of infrastructure development and the pursuit of sustainable progress in the Republic of Indonesia. As Indonesia experiences rapid economic growth and urbanization, driven by ambitious infrastructure projects, it confronts a challenging dichotomy—simultaneously fostering development and preserving its ecological riches. This study offers an extensive examination of Indonesia's legal landscape, encompassing environmental laws, regulations, policies, and practical implementation and enforcement mechanisms. It scrutinizes the critical role of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) in navigating the environmental consequences of infrastructure ventures. Additionally, it explores government policies and international commitments that underscore Indonesia's dedication to sustainability. The paper highlights the intrinsic connection between environmental conservation and sustainable progress, emphasizing the importance of responsible resource management and ecological preservation in achieving long-term development objectives. By analyzing case studies, policy implications, and future research directions, this research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how Indonesia can harmonize its infrastructure development ambitions with the imperative of environmental protection, ultimately guiding the nation toward a more sustainable and equitable future.</p> Usman Tahir Ramdan Yusuf Gunawan Widjaja Hadenan Towpek Ekha Sri Sugiarti Copyright (c) 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BUSINESS (INJOSS) 2023-11-10 2023-11-10 3 1 196 209 THE ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN OVERCOMING THE PROBLEM OF POLITICAL POLARIZATION DURING ELECTIONS <p>During the General Election, the problem of political polarization is a recurring problem and must be resolved immediately. To overcome this problem, the role of social media is very necessary. Based on this, this research aims to analyze the role of social media in overcoming the problem of political polarization during the General Election. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The data used in this research is secondary data obtained from scientific journals, books, websites and all sources that should be used in every research. The results of this research show that first, social media is like a knife that can become a weapon to protect yourself and others and can also injure yourself and those around you. Second, polarization is caused by ethnic factors, cults, fanaticism and abuse of authority by those in power. Third, social media can play a role by prohibiting campaigns containing SARA, focusing on vision and mission, and increasing educational content.</p> Ade Risna Sari Pahmi Pahmi Maryam Salampessy Rieneke Ryke Kalalo Arief Fahmi Lubis Copyright (c) 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BUSINESS (INJOSS) 2023-11-22 2023-11-22 3 1 210 215 ISRAEL’S ATTACK ON PALESTINE : BETWEEN GENOCIDE AND CONFLICT <p>srael's attack on Palestine is the most phenomenal issue in the last few weeks. However, the question is being asked by a number of parties whether this attack constitutes genocide or conflict. Therefore, this research aims to analyze Israel's attacks on Palestine in the category of Genocide or Conflict. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The data used in this research is secondary data obtained from scientific articles, books, websites and a number of other reliable references. The research results show that Genosdia has 5 more concrete limitations, Israel's attack on Palestine is considered genocide because it fulfills these 5 categories of impacts. And this attack must be stopped immediately, either through diplomacy, a ceasefire, or even militarization.</p> Nurul Fathoro Zihan Ali Hakim Syamsu Rijal Sona Fathurohman Yayat Maulana Bambang Yuniarto Copyright (c) 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BUSINESS (INJOSS) 2023-11-22 2023-11-22 3 1 216 222 DYNAMIC MODEL OF THE CASH WAQF SYSTEM: DEEP UNDERSTANDING OF THE INTERDEPENDENCE OF ECONOMIC, SOCIAL, AND SHARIA LAW FACTORS <p>This research delved into the dynamic model of the Cash Waqf system, aiming to cultivate a profound understanding of the intricate interdependencies among economic, social, and Shariah legal factors. A meticulous analysis was conducted on generating, allocating, and investing funds within the Cash Waqf framework, focusing on financial instruments such as investment portfolios. The cyclical nature of economic variables impacting Cash Waqf's performance over time was scrutinized, emphasizing the system's adaptability to diverse economic and social contexts. Social dynamics were integral, prompting a comprehensive investigation into the beneficiaries of Cash Waqf initiatives and their community engagement. Social impact indicators, including advancements in education, healthcare, and poverty alleviation, played a pivotal role in shaping Cash Waqf's dynamics. The model successfully captured the reciprocal relationship between economic activities and their social consequences, enhancing its holistic representation of the Cash Waqf system. Shariah legal considerations were intricately integrated into the dynamic model, ensuring compliance throughout the lifecycle of Cash Waqf. The research acknowledged inherent feedback loops and nonlinearities, illustrating how changes in economic variables or social dynamics created interconnected consequences. The adaptive nature of the Cash Waqf system was highlighted, emphasizing its resilience to external shocks and regulatory changes.</p> Hidayatullah Hidayatullah Muhammad Fadhan Adhani Putri Nabella Galuh Randa I Made Dwijayantara Copyright (c) 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BUSINESS (INJOSS) 2023-11-27 2023-11-27 3 1 223 234 THE MEANING COMPONENTS OF THE WORD “DRINKING” IN JAVANESE LANGUAGE <p>In the second edition of the <em>Kamus Basa Jawa Bausastra Jawa</em> <em>(KBJ (BJ) 2)</em>, published in 2011, 19 words meaning 'drinking' were found. The nineteen words meaning 'drinking' have simple definitions and must be more detailed. The meaning components used as elements in defining words have also not been fully explained. This can lead to inaccurate use of the word drinking. Therefore, this research discusses the component analysis of the meaning of the word drinking in Javanese using the <em>KBJ (BJ) 2</em> dictionary as a data source. The aim of this research is to describe the components of the meaning of the word drinking in Javanese in <em>KBJ (BJ) 2</em>. This research method is a qualitative descriptive method with a lexical semantic approach. Using Nida's (1975) theory, the research results show that there is 1 main meaning component, 4 differentiating meaning components, and 28 complementary meaning components. These meaning components can be added and arranged to complete the definition of the word drinking in the Javanese monolingual dictionary next after <em>KBJ (BJ) 2</em>. The definition of the word drinking in <em>KBJ (BJ) 2</em> does not yet explain the meaning components related to the perpetrator of the act of drinking, the object being drunk, the position of the mouth and lips when drinking, the device used, and how to do it.</p> Sigit Yulianto Widhyasmaramurti Widhyasmaramurti Copyright (c) 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BUSINESS (INJOSS) 2023-12-07 2023-12-07 3 1 235 260 DESIGNING VIDEO MAPPING AS PROMOTIONAL MEDIA FOR TRADITIONAL VILLAGES <p>Indonesian culture is in danger of disappearing over time. Nowadays people are deceived by modern life and begin to forget the values ​​inherited from their ancestors. Through this work, it is hoped that it will be able to arouse the enthusiasm and cohesiveness of the dancers, so that their performance can attract tourists to enjoy the Maresi dance ritual. Through this work, it is hoped that it will be able to arouse the enthusiasm and cohesiveness of the dancers, so that their performance can attract tourists to enjoy the Maresi dance ritual.Maresi Dance is a cultural heritage that is very interesting if observed and used as a source of ideas for creating Video Mapping works, moreover Maresi Dance is a traditional dance from the village of Tenganan Karangasem. Video is the most dynamic and effective source or media in conveying information. This work is intended to be able to promote Tenganan village to the wider community, so that more tourists visit Tenganan village to enjoy Maresi Dance performances and it is hoped that the existence of the dance can be maintained, adaptation to the times is needed, to be able to maintain the existence and taksu of the dance Video Mapping.<br>Keyword : Maresi, Dance, Tenganan Vilage</p> I Nyoman Yoga Sumadewa Widia Febriana Hasbullah Hasbullah Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal Of Humanities, Social Sciences And Business (INJOSS) 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 3 1 261 269 ANALYSIS OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING MODEL ON RECYCLING USED BOTTLES TO ENHANCE CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS AND ECOPRENEURSHIP SKILLS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS <p>This research is a literature review that aims to investigate the project-based learning model of recycling used bottles and its potential in improving critical thinking skills and ecopreneurship skills in elementary school students. The research method used is the literature method, in which the author searches and analyzes related studies that have been conducted previously. Some aspects discussed in this literature review include project-based learning, recycling concepts, critical thinking skills development, ecopreneurship empowerment, and effective pedagogical approaches. In this literature review, the author identifies and analyzes various studies that have been conducted on the used bottle recycling project-based learning model and its impact on critical thinking skills and ecopreneurship skills in elementary school students. The author also evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of this learning method as well as the factors that can affect its effectiveness. The results of this literature review indicate that the used bottle recycling project-based learning model can be effective in improving critical thinking skills and ecopreneurship skills in elementary school students. Several studies noted that this learning model can improve students' understanding of the importance of recycling and its impact on the environment. This literature review has important implications in the context of environmental education in primary schools. The information found in this literature review can serve as a foundation for educators and researchers to design and develop learning models that are effective in improving critical thinking skills and ecopreneurship skills in students.</p> Moh Saiful Bahri Umi Mahmudah Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal Of Humanities, Social Sciences And Business (INJOSS) 2024-01-20 2024-01-20 3 1 270 282 APPLICATION OF THE NUMBERED HEAD TOGETHER LEARNING MODEL TO IMPROVE SCIENCE LEARNING OUTCOMES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN PADANGSIDIMPUAN CITY <p>The learning model is a way that can help teachers achieve the target of student learning completeness. Without implementing a learning model, teachers will experience optimal learning outcomes, impacting student learning outcomes. This research aims to improve students' social studies learning outcomes through the Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning model. This type of classroom action research uses the Kurt Lewin model, which consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The main subjects in this research were class IV students at SD Negeri 200220 Padangsidimpuan, totaling 26 students consisting of 14 boys and 12 girls. The data collection instruments used test items and observation sheets. Data analysis techniques use qualitative and quantitative descriptions. The research results show that using the NHT model can improve student learning outcomes. As evidenced by the pre-cycle learning results, ten students completed with an average of 65.96, a completion percentage of 38.5%, in the first cycle of meeting 1, 14 students completed with an average of 69.80, a completion percentage of 53.84%, cycle I meeting 2 obtained 15 students who ended with an average of 70.19, a completion percentage of 57.7%, cycle II meeting 1 accepted 19 students who completed with an average of 76.34, percentage of completeness 73.07% and cycle II meeting 2 obtained 22 students completed with an average of 81.15, a completion percentage of 84.6%.</p> Syahril Syahril Isra Widya Ningsih Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal Of Humanities, Social Sciences And Business (INJOSS) 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 3 1 283 293